Ok, you are sooo used to Internet Explorer you always click on the blue “e” and have the layout stuck in your head? I think I can help. (For a video version please click here!)

So, to begin with the shortcut on your desktop first!

Right click on the Firefox Icon first and the go to properties!

If you are not already in the shortcut tab go there now.

There should now be a change icon button; click on it.

After that click on the “Browse” button.

In the Address window paste the following: “C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer”.

Once there click on any file with the IE logo and press open! Now you can choose which IE logo you want to use.

Now just press the remaining “Ok”s and your Firefox logo should become the IE logo!

You can change the name if you want or just leave it the way it is. (I am assuming you can change the name by yourself and don't need me to write a guide about it)

Now to make the insides look like IE7!

Firefox allows users to create these amazing themes which can make Firefox look like almost anything. Unless you have alot of time on your hands and you know programming codes I would recommend you use an already built template. You can find some here (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/browse/type:2) or if you just want the IE7 theme you can go here (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/4988).
Amazing isn’t it? Does IE let you look like Firefox? Nope! So what are you waiting, get Firefox now...


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